That Time I Got Political

I’m tired. I’m tired of the Facebook wars, being forced to pick sides, and biased media. I’m tired of seeing confederate flags and people talking about minorities like we are an infestation. I’m tired of propaganda and people slapping Jesus or rhetoric on top of their politics in order to justify one side and demonizeContinue reading “That Time I Got Political”

Flowers and Weeds: Discerning Godly Friendships

I was asked a few weeks ago to write about Godly friendships and dealing with fall-outs. After sitting on the topic for a while now, I have concluded that there are two types of friendships: flowers and weeds. Flowers add color, beauty, sweet fragrance and substance to gardens. Friends that bear the fruits of theContinue reading “Flowers and Weeds: Discerning Godly Friendships”

You Loved Me First

Faithfulness is a word that is often thrown around in religiosity. We hear God is faithful all the time. But we don’t hear that word as often when we describe our relationships. It’s kind of a rarity, you know? We don’t expect faithfulness until the relationship has reached a specific milestone, like saying “I loveContinue reading “You Loved Me First”

He Calls the Unqualified

I have found that God uses me the most when I feel the most unworthy or unqualified. On the days when I screw up and fall short of His standard. ⠀ And like clockwork, after repentance, the self deprecating shame never ceases to creep in, reminding me of how “bad” of a Christian I am:Continue reading “He Calls the Unqualified”

Insecurity, Tangled, and Chopping Off My Hair (Again).

By now you’ve probably noticed a pattern. I habitually make drastic changes to my hair at two-month intervals, and then blog about it. Why? No idea. I think I get bored. I knew it was time for a chop when I saw the disappointment on my face once I realized my hair had grown pastContinue reading “Insecurity, Tangled, and Chopping Off My Hair (Again).”

Some Hebrew For Your Wednesday

So this morning, I was reading Lamentations and this verse in particular stood out to me: “The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.” Lam 3:25 I began studying the original Hebrew text, and to my surprise, they were the words I had previously researched in depth the last timeContinue reading “Some Hebrew For Your Wednesday”

Your Very Own Metamorphosis

Brokenness is something we often run from. But what if that breaking is necessary to be catapulted into your destiny? I’m sitting outside right now, surrounded by butterflies flying from flower to flower collecting nectar. I’m reminded that they had to go through quite a bit of change before they made it to the gardenContinue reading “Your Very Own Metamorphosis”