Finding The Secret Place

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Would you believe me if I gave you a key and said, “This key unlocks a place, hidden from the rest of the world—an oasis where you could sit and converse with the actual God of the universe.” Would you take the key? Would you think I was bananas? We learn from reading scriptures like… Continue reading Finding The Secret Place

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You Loved Me First

Faithfulness is a word that is often thrown around in religiosity. We hear God is faithful all the time. But we don’t hear that word as often when we describe our relationships. It’s kind of a rarity, you know? We don’t expect faithfulness until the relationship has reached a specific milestone, like saying “I love… Continue reading You Loved Me First

He Calls the Unqualified

I have found that God uses me the most when I feel the most unworthy or unqualified. On the days when I screw up and fall short of His standard. ⠀ And like clockwork, after repentance, the self deprecating shame never ceases to creep in, reminding me of how “bad” of a Christian I am:… Continue reading He Calls the Unqualified

Insecurity, Tangled, and Chopping Off My Hair (Again).

By now you’ve probably noticed a pattern. I habitually make drastic changes to my hair at two-month intervals, and then blog about it. Why? No idea. I think I get bored. I knew it was time for a chop when I saw the disappointment on my face once I realized my hair had grown past… Continue reading Insecurity, Tangled, and Chopping Off My Hair (Again).

Some Hebrew For Your Wednesday

So this morning, I was reading Lamentations and this verse in particular stood out to me: “The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.” Lam 3:25 I began studying the original Hebrew text, and to my surprise, they were the words I had previously researched in depth the last time… Continue reading Some Hebrew For Your Wednesday

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Your Very Own Metamorphosis

Brokenness is something we often run from. But what if that breaking is necessary to be catapulted into your destiny? I’m sitting outside right now, surrounded by butterflies flying from flower to flower collecting nectar. I’m reminded that they had to go through quite a bit of change before they made it to the garden… Continue reading Your Very Own Metamorphosis

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No More Blindfolds

Nearly two years ago, in a desperate attempt to understand myself, I opened up a box where I only kept my most secret and desired prayers. I scribbled a prayer down, shut the box, and never thought about it again. Fast-forward to 2018, and a couple failed attempts at relationship-ing later, I found myself complaining… Continue reading No More Blindfolds

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Happiness? Overrated.

Do you ever feel like you have to keep up with people? With every refreshing of your feed, you are constantly being bombarded by everyone’s latest accolade. It’s hard to feel like you are doing anything worthwhile with your life. That’s kind of what happens when social media turns into a pile of fake interactions,… Continue reading Happiness? Overrated.

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Leave Your Shame At The Door

Can we talk about the things our society sweeps under the rug? Porn. Cutting. Panic and anxiety attacks. Depression. Drug & alcohol addictions. Masturbation. Suicidal thoughts. Can we stop pretending these things don’t exist? How long must we self-medicate and internalize our pain until we can’t take it anymore? I get it, we fear judgement.… Continue reading Leave Your Shame At The Door

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Does God still heal today?

This morning, with my eyes half open, I reached for my phone and began mindlessly opening apps trying to wake myself up. I rolled over and began going through my Timehop reel and saw this photo. So many memories came flooding back, and so did photos from my high school mission trip to St. Mary,… Continue reading Does God still heal today?

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