The Christian, Mental Illness, and The Cure.

Mental health has been a topic that has been circulating around culture and around the church a lot in 2019. As a girl, I struggled with an eating disorder. I had anorexia for about a year. I weighed around 95 pounds, and hardly ate anything. I remember feeling ugly, worthless, and trapped inside a body… Continue reading The Christian, Mental Illness, and The Cure.

Promise Keeper

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Have you ever felt like God was teasing you? Maybe He showed you a glimpse of a promise and so you held onto that hope… only to watch everything around you fall apart. And we think, “God, why did you put this dream in my heart if you’re never… Continue reading Promise Keeper

Flowers and Weeds: Discerning Godly Friendships

I was asked a few weeks ago to write about Godly friendships and dealing with fall-outs. After sitting on the topic for a while now, I have concluded that there are two types of friendships: flowers and weeds. Flowers add color, beauty, sweet fragrance and substance to gardens. Friends that bear the fruits of the… Continue reading Flowers and Weeds: Discerning Godly Friendships

Perfectly Imperfect

Hi I’m Tailah, and I just spent the past half hour crying in my room. I don’t know if you’re like me, but I have a tendency to ignore my emotions and bottle them up. I just ignore them and focus on the positive. As a result I’m generally super chill, happy, and easy going most of… Continue reading Perfectly Imperfect

Dare to Dream

Have you ever had a dream? You know, a perfect picture of everything you’ve ever hoped to accomplish. Maybe yours is helping children out of human trafficking. Or maybe it’s becoming a mom, or owning your own business. Mine is looking out into a crowd of people singing words I wrote to connect with Jesus.… Continue reading Dare to Dream

Revel in the Rainstorm

Here I am, sitting on a bench on 21st next to two of my best friends. Cars are whipping past us, messing up our hair as we laugh and take in the humid breeze of a Nashville summer night, making plans for the rest of our lives. Then laughing about them no more than five… Continue reading Revel in the Rainstorm

For The One

Right now, I’m sitting in the Denver airport. I think I got about three hours of sleep last night? Honestly I’m too tired to even tell. I’m on my way to a mission trip in Tijuana and on the plane ride here, attempted to gas myself up on Jesus so I would be ~spiritually in-tune~… Continue reading For The One