Fine Tuned

This is my harp. I felt the Lord prompting me to learn this instrument a few weeks ago, so I did what any normal person would do in this situation and ordered a harp. I knew it was almost like a hybrid between guitar and a piano, so I naturally thought that I would be able to pick up the instrument  fairly easily. Ha.

What I didn’t know, was that there are 22 strings that constantly need to be tuned, and as soon as I finished tuning one and moved onto the next, it would fall out of tune again. Over. And over. And over.

And I became frustrated as to why God wanted me to learn this instrument that takes so much preparation for only a few minutes of playing.

Then it kind of hit me. I think we look at life and we look at our past credentials and accomplishments and assume that we don’t have to wait for anything. Maybe because we have checked off every prerequisite box, we feel that we deserve our dreams.

I can just pick up my harp and start plucking away, but if I don’t sit down for that half hour carefully fine tuning it, it’s going to sound like a chorus of dying cats.

And even though tuning is a long process, it’s necessary If I want to learn the beautiful songs and skills I desire to.

And thats the beauty of patience God teaches us in the wait. He is carefully fine tuning us. And then we have a bad day, and scream at our little sister, or maybe we took it too far at the party from the night before. And then He grabs that tuning peg and patiently and lovingly correct us, aligning us to Him and His heart again.

So maybe your major has nothing to do with what you want to do, maybe you have no idea what your calling is, or if you’re going to be a cat lady or not, but I would encourage you to submit to the tuning process and rest in knowing The Lord knows exactly what He’s doing in your life for where He’s leading you. He’s not only preparing you for your dreams, but he’s setting up the circumstances, the people you will meet along the way, and every other external factor that will play a role in your destiny. xx

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