Promise Keeper

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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Have you ever felt like God was teasing you?

Maybe He showed you a glimpse of a promise and so you held onto that hope… only to watch everything around you fall apart.

And we think, “God, why did you put this dream in my heart if you’re never going to let me have it?”

We feel cheated

We feel lied to.

But our emotions and current frustrations don’t equate God to a liar. He is not dependent on our timetables, because He has the master blueprint.

Have you ever tried to assemble furniture? Real talk—I still can’t figure out what goes where even with the directions.

But just imagine trying to assemble a big beautiful wardrobe with all kinds of doors and drawers and shelves without any directions. I mean, unless you were some sort of carpenter in a past life, I’m guessing it would turn out a disaster. When we begin to build things, we automatically pull out the directions and make sure what we are assembling is identical to the blueprint.

Isn’t it funny how we hardly ever let God have that privilege?

We say want His will to dictate with our plans,  but then throw a tantrum and give him the silent treatment when we don’t get what we want!

Trust me, I am not throwing stones. I am so guilty of this. What helps me stop this thinking pattern before the downward-spiral-drama-queen-meltdown hits, is reminding myself of who God says He is.

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Not one of all the Lords good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. Joshua 21:45

Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the “Yes” of Jesus. By his spirit he has stamped us with his eternal pledge—a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete. 2 Corinthians 1:20-22

He is a promise-keeper. His plans are good. They are to prosper you and to give you hope and a future.

There are so many places throughout scripture that demonstrate God’s faithfulness. It’s up to us to carve out time to spend with him daily so we can remind ourselves of His character when our faith is shaken.

It’s necessary if we want to make sure we are following His blueprints for our lives. It is daily submission, daily conversation, and a daily love exchange that will transform your life and restore your faith.

He doesn’t want you guarded and afraid to dream. He wants to enrich your life in every way imaginable and dream up those dreams with you. He wants you to come to Him with those desires and trust that He will provide them because He is a good father. He delights in you and wants to shower you with gifts. And because He loves you so much, He is going to make sure He gives them to you at just the right time, so you can experience them to their fullest. When we get things prematurely we tend to ruin or neglect them. Or they ruin us because we are not spiritually or mentally prepared for the responsibilities that accompany them.

So trust in the wait and trust in the process your father has you in. Rest in knowing that He has ordained every day and every good gift for you before the foundations of the earth were laid.


Father God, I thank you today for who you are. I thank you that your faithfulness goes before me, and I am covered by your favor and grace. I release all of my current frustrations and anxieties to You, and ask that You would replace them with Your peace instead. Holy Spirit, would you fill me and give me patience to wait upon Your purposes for my life. I ask for an increase in faith and a deeper trust in you, Father. in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Songs: Beautiful Story – The Belonging Co.

You’re Not Finished Yet – The Belonging Co.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]

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